NYSATE/NYACTE Annual Fall 2023 Conference
Gideon Putnam Resort
Saratoga Springs, NY
October 25th - 27th, 2023
Envisioning the Future of Educator Preparation:
Fostering Belonging, Equity, and Excellence

We provide a range of new options for sponsors to support the upcoming New York State Association of Teacher Educators (NYSATE)/Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (NYACTE) Annual Conference, which will take place October 25th - 27th, 2023 at the Gideon Putnam Resort and Spa in Saratoga Springs. The theme of our conference is Envisioning the Future of Educator Preparation: Fostering Belonging, Equity, and Excellence. Sponsorship options are below.
$2000 Sponsored Thursday Reception: Sponsors will support a reception with beverages and hors d’oeuvres where they can set up their banner/materials near the bar/food tables. The sponsor’s logo and web link will be listed in the program and on our Sponsor Page and will be announced during the opening and mid-day plenaries.
$1000 First-Time Sponsor/Vendor Table: We have offered this rate to first-time sponsors (newcomers), and this includes a table in the main hall near the registration and buffet tables, where they can set up their banner/materials throughout the two days of the conference until Friday afternoon. This also includes the listing of this sponsor on our Sponsor Page.
$1000 Speaker Sponsor: This is an option to sponsor a plenary speaker. The sponsor’s logo and web link will be listed in the program and on our Sponsor Page and will be announced during the opening plenaries and as part of the introduction of the sponsored speaker.
$500 Coffee Hour: This is an option where sponsors will support a Coffee Hour that includes hot beverages and cookies in between concurrent sessions. Sponsors can set up their banner/materials near the beverage/food tables. The sponsor’s logo and web link will be listed in the program and on our Sponsor Page and will be announced during the opening and mid-day plenaries.
$500 Full-Page Advertisement: Sponsors can provide a full-page advertisement that will be included in our printed and online conference program.
$250 Half-Page Advertisement: Sponsors can provide a half-page advertisement that will be included in our printed and online conference program.
Should you be interested in sponsoring the NYSATE/NYACTE annual conference, you may respond directly by email indicating your level of sponsorship. Please provide us with the name of your organization, the name of the appropriate contact person, along with their email and phone number. Email interest for NYSATE/NYACTE 2023 Conference Sponsorship. We will accept sponsorships through the end of September 2023.
We will accept your digital logo and or advertisement for inclusion in the conference program under separate cover. Invoices will also be provided under separate cover.
We would be very glad to have your organization sponsor this exciting event for educators from across New York State!