The New York State Association of Teacher Educators (NYSATE) is a professional association representing individual teacher educators in higher education institutions and public schools in New York State. It is also the state-affiliate of the national professional association, the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE).
You automatically become a NYSATE member when you register for and attend our Fall 2023 conference.
Membership is on annual basis and valid from September 1 through August 31.
A one year membership is included when you register for the fall NYSATE/NYACTE Conference.
• Earliest notification of the annual NYSATE-NYACTE fall conference
• Access to information and policy decisions as they are happening in Albany
• Voice in policy matters that affect you, your institution, the profession and students
You will automatically become a member by registering to attend any Fall Conference. No action is needed.
Regular Membership
35$Free for 2021-22 with registration for any conference eventValid for one yearP-12 Membership
10$Free for 2021-22 with registration for any conference eventValid for one yearRetiree Membership
10$Free for 2021-22 with registration for any conference eventValid for one yearStudent Membership
10$Free for 2021-22 with registration for any conference eventValid for one yearLifetime Member